Only the freshest products make it onto our lorries and ships. All of our suppliers fulfil each and every one of our certification requirements, specifically GLOBALG.A.P.. This guarantees the highest possible standards of quality and product safety. Our homogeneous batch tracking goes right back not only as far as the field, but also to the specific plot in the field. We hold IFS broker, organic and QS certification. We perform regular checks and audits in the producing countries to make personally sure of the quality of our merchandise. Strict compliance with legal requirements, consideration of our customers’ individual wishes and maintaining close communication with our customers are the basis on which we cultivate a business relationship of mutual trust. This means that we can react and act quickly so as to ensure maximum possible end consumer satisfaction and also to realise joint projects for the future. This concerns the ecological aspect, in particular, be it a question of plastic use or residue-free and organic farming methods.
We are very conscious of the fact that intact nature is the basis of our very existence. That’s why the environmentally sound cultivation of our products is a top priority for us. It also goes without saying for us that humane working conditions are equally part and parcel of a sustainable economy and an important aspect of quality. That’s why all of our producers hold GRASP approval.